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It's Time

Time for another blog, this time from Vegas ... how funny is it that the last sentence of my previous blog was greetings from Atlanta this time .. not even knowing I was gonna put my life in a suitcase again and go to another destination.

Lately, people ask me where are you from, where do you live? And my answer is: wherever my suitcase is at. And it's so true. I'm enjoying the moment. Vegas was the destination this past week for Memorial Day, I had some photoshoots, and hostings lined up.

Also, it was great to be back at a place I have been calling " home " for the past nine months. I don't have to explain how this week was full of partying because that's Vegas 365/365. The feeling of wanting to be in bed and watch Netflix and chill never were that strong ;-) but ... the show must go on. I met amazing people, my phone and email are sending me notifications all day, new potential client, projects, and request.

I'm branding people, products and services and this week I realized; it's time to brand my own product. So very soon hopefully my online store will re-open it's doors and Chavely's favorites are going to be for sale. Because the one thing I realized is, I am my own walking billboard! Below is a video that Danii Banks did with AOC Obama featuring young dolph " Instagram famous " which is seen on world start hip hop currently. And I was able to bring my styling passion. 🙌🏽

Right now I'm enjoying a well deserved night with my Las Vegas friends I missed so dearly , tomorrow another day .. who knows what's about to happen next ? To be continued ... that's one thing that's for sure !

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