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Summer Heat!

Happy Summer Solstice everybody! The Longest day of the year is this week, Here's a recap of last week. It was very, very busy.

Last week I flew to Vegas to work with a new client on her branding. With this particular client, I have an interesting challenge because we have to build from scratch, social media pages, content, and other branding material. We set up two amazing photoshoots, one indoor and one outdoors. Let me tell you with temperatures over 100 degrees; it was definitely hard work! Here's a little behind the scenes look.

I was able to create a good brand development start working with several talented photographers and, videographers, including Mua, and a few others in Vegas; nothing makes me happier than working with incredibly talented people and creating top end content together. The week turned in to back to back meetings and tons of emails to read and write. I found myself sitting in my hotel room while a big pool party was going on with the loudest music you can possibly want on a playlist.... and of course, Chavely's life wouldn't be Chavely's life if I didn't find myself stuffing things in suitcases heading to another destination. This time Arizona!

This was going to be interesting trip because I had heard so many good things about the Arizona and especially Phoenix. I wanted to make it one of my stops for a long time, so this is the week that it happened.

The temperature in Phoenix is 120 degrees. I am dying!!! My European body is still not used to this desert heat. I'm typing this blog post with my feet in a pool to cool down. I'm also catching a few rays for my little tan while working so I'll stop complaining.

By the way, I'm working on a new project where my client is looking for innovative products and brands to sponsor. If you have something that hits the mark or you know someone that might be interested in sponsorship of a great idea, please let me know.

I'll have more on my time exploring and working in Arizona next week. Until then....

Be Great, Be Productive!

LOVE, Chavely

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