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Beat The Heat!

After being in the crazy heat in Arizona, it was time to once again go to Las Vegas for more meetings! The temperature in Vegas wasn't any different than in Arizona .. lord have mercy !!

Meeting up with some close friends, enjoying some fun nights out, and meetings about new projects.. that pretty much sums up the week. My last night in Vegas I was invited to go to a performance of artist Post Malone, and my friend Tyson Beckford came out to turn up. We really had a blast.

This week I realized more and more how I'm getting closer to my goals and dreams. I remembered the incredible start of my journey - I arrived from Holland three and a half years ago, speaking and typing broken English and not knowing anyone. Now, when I travel to different cities, there is always at least one person I can call to hang out with me, talk some business and enjoy each other conversation. Each time that happens it gives me this feeling of being on the right track. It may not mean much to others, but for me, it's an awesome feeling what hard work, dedication, persistence and believing in yourself can give you. It's amazing. Focus on knowing that the better you do, the more people that people around you are ok with your doing good but never better than them, That's one thing everybody always needs to keep in the back of their heads. Jealously, envy and people's true colors come out when they think or feel you are doing great. It's so sad... because you can never walk in another person's shoes; you can't judge or assume that it was easy for them. In my own case, I can tell you it wasn't, and it isn't.

Every day I'm dealing with my own story, my own battles and my own drive which is why I work so hard. Success is great, but the price you pay for success is sometimes bigger than people imagine. I've learned to turn pain into power, and to keep on going. And that is what I will continue doing!

I'm back in Arizona currently for a couple of days of "Me Time ." Next week I will fly back to Las Vegas to work on a big new project; a project for " Chavely ." It's time to put myself first, and to make sure I'm making the "best version of MYSELF!"

Next week some more details about what I'm about to work on. Can't spill it all in this blog, so come back next week to read about my experiences.

Love , Chavely

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